Saturday, October 15, 2011

October Catamaran Regatta at HYMC October 14, 2011

As most of my friends know, I love the water (see previous post for more about my boat which is en route to the Kingdom finally). On Friday I was at Half Moon Bay for the monthly catamaran regatta. While I did not sail in the races (my boat is not here yet), I took some pictures to show what it is like here at the nice beach ;-) I did eventually sail after the races with some folks to help them learn to read the winds a bit better and get me used to a Hobie Cat.

The rules of the beach (#9 is most interesting)

This is the beach .. nothing to say the pictures does not!

The other direction on the beach with nice shelters and grills!

This is actually a shower! Note the shower head  in the dolphins mouth (the hobies are behind it)
One of our racing Hobie Cats

One of our racing Hobie Cats

A nice, colorful Hobie 17

A few boats from the fleet (we had 9 out in total)

A Hobie racing the some decent wind (they were light that day)

Hobies after the first race

All nice Hobie Cats that came out to race after the first race

Subset at Half Moon Bay

The day was a good one and we had a great lunch afterwards and were able to do some socializing later as well. What I learned afterwards is why the road there is so dangerous ... all of the Saudis are driving home to Khobar, usually a high speed ... some with no lights ... 


  1. None of the pictures show on my end.

  2. The pictures should work now! something went a tad odd with Picasa Web Albums auto-upload, but I think it is resolved now.
