Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Brief Update (and some photos)

For those who have been curious, I've managed some pictures. They are all from my cell phone camera so their photogenic qualities are not ideal ;-)

I guess it is best to have a reason for the pictures, so I will start with some treats from work. The other day our supervisor brought in some fresh dates and figs from his property in Al Hasa (this is apparently the greatest oasis in the Kingdom). These were yellow dates, red figs, and green fig; apparently the green figs are very rare and difficult to find. These were all really good - the dates are like candy they are so sweet. The figs are more substantial and red ones are fairly large. I don't know how to really describe the taste, other than yummy! Dates grow on date palms

A date palm by the office with several clusters of yellow dates.

These dates grow all around the Dhahran Compound and some trees are really prolific!

The only other decent picture so far is from last weekend while I was driving on the Bahrain Causeway from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain. This is driving over the Arabian Gulf. 
Bahrain causeway

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