Friday, August 26, 2011


In two days I will take my first leave from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it really feels good! The past couple of weeks were really good and things are falling into place nicely here at long last! As of Wednesday, I am the proud owner of a 1986 Suzuki Samurai that is in fabulous shape (but will become a bit of a project car - which I will be updating as I go):
The other big thing is that by October I should finally have my Hobie Cat which will be named Moxie:
All in all, things seem to be going pretty good ... other than trying to sort out some problems with my house with the Housing Department here at Aramco - they are more than a little on the obstinate/difficult side of things. Hopefully they will address the problems while I am away so I can avoid having to deal further with them when I get back ...

In other exciting news, there will be an HP Touchpad waiting for me in Houston (thanks to Aramis for that one) and there will be a lot of shopping to get done when I am there now that I know what I really need over here (including some Suzuki Samurai parts) ...

Oh! One last thing ... if any of my friends out there with extensive pipeline experience are interested, I can put you in touch with the decision maker for the group - he is actively looking!

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